Increase Traffic By Giving Your Website A Makeover


One dilemma website owners are often faced with is how to boost traffic and conversion. The tips detailed in this article will provide you with some simple ways to maximise your visitors and increase your chances of making more sales.

Think Content

Concentrate on writing quality, timely and relevant content and think carefully when crafting headlines as these are the first things people will see. Use tools like Google Trends or follow social media to find out the most popular subjects and write content around these topics.

In addition, if you already have an established audience ask them what they would like to see more of on your website and give them the content they want.


If you haven’t already, now is a good time to start implementing a sound SEO strategy for your website. You’ll want to concentrate on keywords that will attract organic traffic as these will be the type of visitors who are more likely to buy your product or service.

If you on a limited budget, then there are some free keyword tools that you can use for this purpose such as the Wordstream keyword tool.

Build Relationships

People are more likely to buy if they feel they know and trust you, which is why building relationships with your visitors is one of the keys to increasing conversions. One of the easiest way of doing this is by establishing a newsletter for your website; this enables you to keep people informed about your business, and you can give your visitors a chance to get to understand it better.

A newsletter can also be used to introduce new products or services, or to make special offers available to your subscribers.

Try Different Formats

Many website owners only concentrate on making their website content available in one format; people have a growing need for consuming content in a way that fits in with their lifestyles and without making use of different formats, you could be missing out on a vast audience.

If you haven’t already, consider starting a podcast so people can listen to your content while on the go, and make use of videos as well as these can often be more engaging than the written form.

Offer Reassurances

Sometimes, a potential client just needs some added reassurance before they will make a purchase. To help this process, solicit some testimonials from previous happy customers and feature these on your site as this will increase confidence in your product or service.

Moreover, offer a guarantee, make sure that potential customers can clearly understand the benefits of buying your product/service, and ensure your contact details are prominent so people can get in touch if they have a question.